Each week, we send out an email with the week's items. We currently offer baked goods on Tuesdays, Thursday, Fridays, and occasionally on Saturdays. The email contains a description of the items and links to the order forms.
Each day's bakery orders require a unique order form. The deadline for submission is one to two days in advance. Make sure to look for the confirmation email, guaranteeing that we recieved your order.
Delivery will occur before 6 pm on the assigned day. For customers outside of Provo, you may choose if you would like to pick-up the order, meet for delivery, or pay for a direct delivery. For customers north and south of Provo, we may provide one point of drop-off each Saturday morning. Watch for details in weekly emails.
Please pay in the approved methods as described here. Delivery fees for outside Provo are $5.